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Summer is coming, which means it is time for fun in the sun at the beach, can’t forget my beach essentials; swim suit, towel, sunscreen, book, sand toys and my discount sunglasses. As summer nears getting ready to spend time at the beach with my friends and family, memories that can’t be erased, even though sometimes I wished they could be. Nothing could be better than lying on the beach, soaking up the sun’s rays with my friends and family by my side. During the other days of the year we spend working or going to school, but for that one day we get to spend time with the ones we love. I’m not much on spending time in the water, I prefer to be lying on a towel, reading a book and watching the others playing in the water.

If I’m not reading, building sandcastles with the young ones is always a memory to treasure. As the sun hits the middle of the sky, it is time for a picnic in the sand or a barbecue on the beach, whatever the family feels like. After lunch it is time to rest for a bit maybe have a nap, but very soon after the nap it’s time to get back to building or slashing around in the water. As the sun sinks to the other side of the sky, it is time to have a walk on the beach and pick up some seashells.

As the sun sinks further down it is time to pack up and head home, I can’t forget anything I brought with me; swim suit, towel, sunscreen, book, sand toys and of course my discount sunglasses. As we head home, I can help but think about coming back and making more memories with my family and friends.